Ayo Akingbade’s solo show, Show Me The World Mister, opens at the Whitworth

A new solo show by Ayo Akingbade, Show Me The World Mister, opened on 3 May and runs until October 20 2024 at the Whitworth, Manchester.

The exhibition by Ayo Akingbade comprising of two new film commissions. Shot on location in Nigeria, The Fist and Faluyi are Akingbade’s most ambitious productions to date, building upon her continued interest in history, place-making, legacy and power.

The two films also form the basis of Akingbade’s book of the same name. Show Me The World Mister was published last year by Book Works and Chisenhale Gallery, and is available in the Whitworth shop and online.

Ayo Akingbade’s solo show, Show Me The World Mister, opens at the Whitworth; ; January 1970; Artist: Akingbade, Ayo; Contributors: Cairns, Steven; Kazeem, Maryam; Odubanjo, Gboyega; Okpokwasili, Okwui; | Publisher: Book Works and Chisenhale Gallery: | Designer: Maeve Redmond