BABE (Bristol Artist’s Book Event) 2024

29–30 June 2024
Bower Ashton Campus, Bristol
More info/contact

We’ll be back in Bristol for BABE, Bristol Artist’s Book Event, on 29–30 June.

The first Bristol Artist’s Book Event was organised by Sarah Bodman and Tom Sowden in collaboration with Peter Begen and Snoozie Claiden at Arnolfini in 2007. It has since grown into an international event showcasing artists’ books to the public over a Spring weekend every two years. Since its first outing, BABE has established a great reputation as a relaxed and friendly event to meet and talk to book artists about their work and buy works of art.

We’ll have a stall, and will also be doing some free artist’s surgeries at the fair – contact BABE directly for more info!

BABE (Bristol Artist’s Book Event) 2024; ; 2024;