March Book of the Month – Why and Why Not by Mark Titchner

Our book of the month for March 2025 is Why and Why Not by Mark Titchner (2004). Get it now for just £7.

‘… How to be Silent. Speak constantly. Artificial silence, that is, what was once natural silence must be avoided … Always speak with the voice of others. Make their words the equivalent of your silence … One must always consider the contrary point of view. All thought has an antithesis, and this should always amend any statement. Finally, accept the futility of resolution. Any thought you may have is contingent upon your limited experience …’

Why and Why Not is a book that embraces the fine tradition of the street corner prophet, tempered with the equally proud custom of keeping your mouth firmly shut. Constructed in chapters, with titles such as “I Against I” and “Policing Love with Neuroses”, this publication represents a chain of declamatory ‘rants’ that critically probe traditional notions of narrative authority. By graphically sequencing points with counterpoints, Titchner creates an assemblage where ideals are overturned and philosophies ruined.

March Book of the Month – Why and Why Not by Mark Titchner; ; January 1970; Artist: Titchner, Mark; | Publisher: Book Works: