Put About: A Symposium on Contemporary Independent Arts Publishing
A symposium on independent publishing and publishing by artists, exploring why producers feel compelled to deliver such materials, and the economic models and audiences that ensure their cultural presence.
Contributors included: Michael Bracewell, Jeremy Deller, Matthew Higgs, Christoph Keller, Stéphanie Moisdon, Sina Najafi, Polly Staple, Lionel Bovier, Dr Cornelia Lauf and Ingrid Swenson.
Link to information on TATE’s website: http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/eventseducation/symposia/bookworkssymposium1209.htm
Organised by Maria Fusco and Jane Rolo; Put About: A Symposium on Contemporary Independent Arts Publishing; ; August 1970;
Artists: Book Works; Bovier, Lionel; Bracewell, Michael; Deller, Jeremy; Fusco, Maria; Higgs, Matthew; Keller, Christoph; Lauf, Dr Cornelia; Najafi, Sina; Staple, Polly; Swenson, Ingrid; Contributors: Bovier, Lionel; Bracewell, Michael; Deller, Jeremy; Higgs, Matthew; Keller, Christoph; Lauf, Dr Cornelia; Moisdon, Stéphanie; Najafi, Sina; Staple, Polly; Swenson, Ingrid;