Sophia Al-Maria & Leila Dear’s Taraxos III launches at the Serpentine Gallery

Part three of a new Serpentine Gallery commission, Taraxos: A Wish is a Form of Travel, will be unveiled next week, on the Summer Solstice (Monday 21st June). The previous two parts, an audio work and a conversation and set of drawings were released on the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

Part three of Taraxos, a physical portal, will flower on the Summer Solstice.

In dedication to the unfinished unifinishable work of we.

we been seeded by the stars.

3-2-1 x infinity

Visit to read and experience.

Sophia Al-Maria & Leila Dear’s Taraxos III launches at the Serpentine Gallery; ; 2021; Artist: Al-Maria, Sophia; Contributors: Al-Mutairi, Abdullah; Cugusi, Laura; Le Melle, Taylor; | Publisher: Book Works: | Designer: Tiffany Malakooti