Winter prints and editions sale

For the month of December we’re offering a 10% discount on our prints and special editions exclusively via our website.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift, or to start or grow your own art collection, we have an exciting inventory of limited edition prints and special edition books available. We’re down to the final few of some of these editions, so it could be the last chance to get them.

Produced to help fund our programme of commissions, our prints and editions are created with Book Works Studio and enable us to continue supporting and nurturing new projects by emerging artists, writers and practitioners.

The sale includes works by an array of artists we’ve worked with, including: Phyllis ChristopherAnia DabrowskaMichael DeanTacita DeanMark DionLubaina HimidStewart HomeJonathan MonkKatrina PalmerLaure ProuvostFiona TanJoanne Tatham & Tom O’Sullivan; and Mark Titchner, among others.

Supporters and Readers Club members already get a 10% discount in our shop, so we are giving our supporters an additional 10%, meaning they can take 20% off special editions in total. To find out how to become a regular supporter or join our Readers Club please find more information here.

  1. Fiona Tan – Vox Populi (limited edition, 2012)
  2. Phyllis Christopher – Boots, San Francisco, CA, 2001 (2001)
  3. Laure Prouvost – Legsicon Drawing (special edition print, 2019)
  4. Katrina Palmer – End Matter (special edition, 2015)
  5. Michael Dean – Don’t Leaves Relax Leaves (special edition, 2015)
  6. Ania Dabrowska – Om Ashad, Diab Alkarssifi, Slefa Village, 1984 (2015)
  7. Stewart Home – More Sex, More Violence, More Copyright Violation! (2012)
Winter prints and editions sale; ; 2022;