Hamja Ahsan – Theological Positions on Fried Chicken at documenta fifteen

Hamja Ahsan, author of Shy Radicals, is participating in this year’s documenta fifteen, which opened this month in Kassel. Ahsan’s Halal Fried Chicken signs around Kassel and Documenta venues, mapping aspects of Islamic history,  diasporic urban fast food subcultures, colonial histories and futures of liberation.

The signs are accompanied by a series of online Islamic sermons, also titled Theological Positions On Fried Chicken, which can be viewed below.

For more information on the programme and visiting Kassel go to the documenta fifteen website.

Hamja Ahsan – Theological Positions on Fried Chicken at documenta fifteen; ; 2022; | Commission: Common Objectives Artist: Ahsan, Hamja;