Book Works gives unique opportunities to emerging artists, and supports experimental publishing

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£5 per month / £50 annual

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£10 per month / £100 annual

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We work with artists, writers and readers to commission new, ambitious and innovative work in the form of artists books through our publishing programme. Giving genuine opportunities to emerging artists is core to our aims and we have a long history of championing artists at early or pivotal stages of their careers, often those who are without other forms of institutional support. Our approach is collaborative and transformative, aiming to commission artists from diverse backgrounds, and to work with audiences to create a change in the landscape of visual art and publishing.
We would like to invite you to join us and become part of our supportive process of working with emerging artists and audiences. You can do this by joining our new Readers Club which celebrates our vital community of readers, or joining our new Supporters Scheme, which is focused on raising funds for our annual Open Submission programme, or making a one-off donation.

‘I’m very grateful to Book Works and Stewart Home for taking a chance on my book Aliasing. Even if I am a writer based outside of the UK, their importance in art book publishing has been well-known to me. Readers of Book Works explore the overlaps between writing and art, and the way I think about fiction grows in that space precisely too. Stewart has been really dedicated to the book from the beginning, and I continue to feel that support from him and the Book Works team, post-publication.’ – Mara Coson, author of Aliasing commissioned from open submission for Semina (2018)
‘Book Works creates significant opportunities for artists – from emerging to established – to work in publishing and book-making, producing high-quality printed matter. They present genuine ambition in their programming.’ – Arts Council of England
‘Book Works bring out some of the most thoughtful and engaging experimental text being published anywhere today. Kudos to them for keeping this up for so many years without any visible reduction in quality.’ – AA Bronson
‘The book that meant most to me this year was Sarah Tripp’s GUITAR! (Book Works)… It is a quiet manifesto for wonderment, for generosity, for cultivating a responsiveness to whatever comes. It arrived at exactly the moment I needed it.’ – Kate Briggs, White Review Books of The Year (2020)
Artist Patrons

Book Works artist patrons are a group of previously commissioned artists that have been invited to produce a special edition for Book Works, and for all the income to be dedicated to our artistic programme. We’ve been incredibly lucky to have worked with talent at an early stage with the represented on this list.
Tacita Dean
Mark Dion
Liam Gillick
Susan Hiller
Jonathan Monk
Simon Patterson
Laure Prouvost
Fiona Tan
Special Fundraising Events

Book Works has funds for certain projects through crowdfunding. Recent projects include Dark Room: San Francisco Sex and Protest, 1988–2003 – a rare collection of politically and culturally explosive photographs of lesbian sex, gender play, and LGBT protest by Phyllis Christopher, which is due for publication in February 2022.
Previous projects include:
A Lebanese Archive by Ania Dabrowska
Upcycle this Book by Gavin Wade
Following our recent Catalyst Evolve Award from Arts Council England, Book Works launched an annual fundraising event in order to raise money to go towards our new artists’ commissions, events, and workshops. A special limited edition ticket is commissioned by an artist, produced by Book Works studio and sold at £25.00.
Previous annual raffle tickets commissions are:
Blinded by Love by Oliver Chanarin and Adam Broomberg (2017)
No Image Available by Fiona Banner (2018)
Public Funding, Trusts and Foundations

Book Works is a registered charity, a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England, and has received generous support from a number of Trusts, Foundations and other funding bodies and we would like to thank them for their support towards our recent and forthcoming projects and publications.