Leaflets from Meeting at Conway Hall
Leaflets from Meeting at Conway Hall; 1 leaf (recto-verso); July 2004;
| Commission: Infra Thin Projects: Curated by Mark Beasley Artists: Beasley, Mark; Camplin, Bonnie; Leckey, Mark; Titchner, Mark;
Leaflet produced to accompany the event Meeting at Conway Hall as part of the project Infra Thin Projects, curated by Mark Beasley. The text from the back of the leaflet reads ‘Infra Thin Projects examines the limits and potential of the written and spoken word. Adopting the mechanics of viral infection, the project exists between exhibitions, between spaces and over time. Infra Thin Projects tours between London, the Midlands and Belfast in 2004. The possible is an infra thin: the writer requires the reader.’