Library Relocations

Library Relocations was a project that used the library as a starting point for new work. Four artists were selected from open submission to create work resulting from original research within four libraries in the UK.
Works commissioned and collections were:
The Brazen Oracle by Melanie Jackson, produced in response to the unique collections from the Harry Price Library of Magical Literature and the Goldsmith’s Library of Economic Literature, both housed in Senate House Library, University of London.
Marx Angels by Pavel Büchler drew on extracts from correspondence between Marx and Engels, and research at Chetham’s Library in Manchester,
Here, there and Everywhere by David Bunn produced four books that explore the reading links and musical traffic between Liverpool and Los Angeles. The Sea is a Magic Carpet, published in two volumes for Liverpool and Los Angeles Central Libraries, focuses on the sea as a link between the two geographically distant cities. In B is for Beatles and D is for Doors unites the two cities by listing the titles of books held in the libraries about the two cities’ famous musical sons.
From the corner of it all by Pamela Golden based on research at the British Architectural Library, RIBA.
Library Relocationsby Ian Hunt, is both a documentation of the projects and a speculation on the ways in which art, reading, historical research, criticism and interpretation are enmeshed.