
Sharon Kivland
Out of print

J’appelle un chat un chat

Sharon Kivland (1994)

Out of print

Sharon Kivland’s interests in Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis have resulted in a number of works that explore these themes. J’appelle un chat un chat contains extracts from Freud’s Fragments of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria, (Dora), followed by the names, in French, for ten shades of lipstick. These names, including Flamboyant, Fou-rire and Imaginaire can also be read as states of emotions or female attributes.

Out of print.

J’appelle un chat un chat | Book Works Studio; Kivland, Sharon; | ISBN: KivlandJ'Appelle | Price: Free | Classifications: Artbook; Artworks/hybrid ephemera; | Extent: 34 pages | Edition: 10 copies | Dimensions: 190 x 190 mm | Signed by artist | Designer: Book Works;