Good Taste: Rebecca May Johnson

‘kalon praman which literally translates as good thing’

The ‘good thing’ recurs in Diana Georgiou’s Other Reflexes, and it makes me feel good and hungry at the same time. I am fed by the idea of the ‘good thing’ even before it has been described. I consider its conceptual power.

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Book of the Month: End Matter by Katrina Palmer

I will compose a text solely comprised of end matter such as an epilogue, a postscript, an afterword, some addenda, or appendices etc. The shadowy quality of the work’s documentary vestiges will act as a memento to the missing body of the book.

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Sonic Memories – Saskia Vogel

Diana, thank you, first, for the invitation to respond to Other Reflexes. At the end of your prelude, I gasped in recognition – at your impulse to explain to your love why your ‘relationship to listening is a little strained’, and at the patience behind the statement that once your love has read what you have written, you will be there, waiting and ready to listen to what they have to say.

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Visual Pleasures: Juliet Jacques

I arrive in Nicosia as I do everywhere, camera ready, wanting to create a visual diary of a city. Not just its permanent or its long-standing features, such as its rivers or coastlines, or its buildings, monuments, or public art, but also its ephemera: graffiti, posters for gigs, plays or exhibitions, players or crowds at football matches, anything else that places it in a particular moment.

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Cecilia Vicuña reviewed in new issue of BOMB Magazine

Cecilia Vicuña’s Saborami: Extended facsimile edition is the Editors’ Choice in the Spring issue of BOMB Magazine, reviewed by Henry Broome. “An account of political struggle and precarious beauty, the book contains hand- and typewritten poems, diary entries, and documentation of assemblages and paintings by Vicuña from the previous ten years. Ehrenberg wrote in his … Continued

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What did you do… (2024)

What did you do… (2024) is a poster project commissioned by Book Works to mark 40 years of commissions and book making. In response to the urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza that overshadows all our activity, we have invited artists to contribute work that speaks to ideas of solidarity with the oppressed, and liberation for the occupied, for a series of A3 posters. Any proceeds from this project will be donated to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP).

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Book of the Month: Faker Drinker Soldier Heiress

Our February Book of the Month, with 30% off, is Clunie Reid’s Faker Drinker Soldier Heiress (2010).

Drawing on imagery from advertising, the internet, magazines and her own drawings and photographs, Clunie Reid’s photo-collages appropriate and violently represent the banality of everyday images.

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