
Brian Catling
Out of print


Brian Catling (1994)

Out of print

Scroll records a performance by Brian Catling in the King’s Gallery at The British Library. It was a thirty minute performance using amplified ambient sound, centred around a sloping-sided museum case filled with mirrored objects and condor feathers. The case was radio miked so that the performer could heighten the sound of touch and small whispers into larger distortions that filled the length of the gallery. Black ink in glass wells was used to bathe the performer’s eyes into blindness.

The performance ended after he exited through a hidden door in the book-lined glass wall, leaving only one hand tapping the glass, like a skeletal fish.

Scroll | Catling, Brian; | ISBN: 978 1 870699 15 0 | Price: £15.00 | Classification: Concrete; | Extent: 15 minute PAL format VHS video in plastic box with B&W printed sleeve and labels