The Happy Hypocrite – ‘#ACCUMULATOR _ PLUS’, issue 9

Hannah Sawtell (2016)


Guest edited by Hannah Sawtell, published September 2016, with a live music event in London, broadcast in collaboration with NTS Radio, November 2016.

‘#ACCUMULATOR_PLUS was part of an open call for words, images and sounds, asking for replies to a set of hashtags. My starting point was also a response; to the death of Colin Faver, to whom I dedicate the archive pages of this issue. Colin was playing pirate radio in my formative years. His shows were a portal into a world of new frictions, giving access to the underground.’
– Hannah Sawtell, from the Editor’s note, The Happy Hypocrite 9

Thinking about use of the word plus (e.g. in Job Centre Plus) in official attempts to instil (false) optimism in people, The Happy Hypocrite 9 imagines what it would mean to see the ‘plus’ reclaimed. The first issue to solicit sound-based contributions, opening the journal to music, and exploring radio as a radical method of distribution, #ACCUMULATOR_PLUS seeks new ways of addressing questions of speed, communications technologies and the dynamics of interaction between local and global space, by revisiting recent underground histories spanning rave, pirate radio, Detroit techno and east London grime.

With contributions and new work by Morehshin Allahyari, Jennifer Lucy Allan, Franco Berardi, John Cussans, Maria Fusco, Jlin, John Lawrence, Kieron Livingstone, Angela McClanahan, Louis Moreno, Emily Pope & Ruth Angel Edwards, Hannah Sawtell, Anthony ‘Shake’ Shakir, Tai Shani, and Jonathan P. Watts.

Hannah Sawtell is an artist based in London. Recent solo exhibitions include ‘@dividend_plus’, Site Gallery, Sheffield, UK (2016); ‘Hannah Sawtell: ACCUMULATOR’, New Museum, New York, USA (2014); and at Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway (2014); Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea, UK (2014); Vilma Gold, London (2013); ICA, London (2012).

The Happy Hypocrite is a journal informed by a lineage of modern experimental and avant-garde magazines, aspiring to unpack the methodology of such key journals, whilst providing a brand new approach to art writing and a testing ground for new projects. The Happy Hypocrite was founded in 2008 by Maria Fusco, who edited the first six issues. Since 2013 The Happy Hypocrite has appeared annually, each with a new guest editor: The Happy Hypocrite – Freedom, edited by Lynne Tillman (2013), The Happy Hypocrite – Heat Island edited by Isla Leaver Yapp (2014), The Happy Hypocrite – Fresh Hell edited by Sophia Al-Maria (2015). The 2017 issue of The Happy Hypocrite will be edited by Virginija Januškevičiūtė.

The Happy Hypocrite – #ACCUMULATOR_PLUS, issue 9 is published by Book Works, guest edited by Hannah Sawtell; in an edition of 1,000; 96pp; 165 x 230mm; soft cover. Designed by A Practice For Everyday Life. ISBN 978 1 906012 77 9 – £8.00

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