Open Submission: An Overview

Our open call series is an annual commissioning platform, developed with guest editors who commissions new works exclusively drawn from open submission. Previous series include: New Writing Series (1995), guest edited by Michael Bracewell, which gave David Shrigley and Jeremy Deller their first publicly funded commissions; Semina (2008-2015), guest edited by Stewart Home, which commissioned nine new works including The Dark Object by Katrina Palmer; or Common Objectives, guest edited by Nina Power (2012-16) that commissioned six books including Shy Radicals by Hamja Ahsan, who was selected for Documenta 2022 on the basis of this work, which has also been made into a film by Black Dog.
Our current series is Interstices , guest edited by Bridget Penney, which has commissioned Other Reflexes by Diana Georgiou, and The Escape Artists by Harun Morrison. A new open call series, Arrhythmia, guest edited by Katrina Palmer, was announced in July 2021. Four works have been commissioned from this, to be published in 2023-24.
The Happy Hypocrite, a journal for and about art writing, founded by Maria Fusco, selected some contributions for each issues from open submission and the last and final issue The Happy Hypocrite – Without Reduction edited by Maria Fusco, was entirely selected from open call.